
Classic Liberalism:
Classic Liberalists believed that all men had liberties, and believed in a far, reasonable, modern and enlightened society. They liked parliamentary government, and preferred self-governing, and they wanted a constitution. They enforced free trade, or a laissez-faire economical system. They believed change in legislation, not in revolution.  

During this time, the ideals of communism was very similar to those of socialism. Marx and Engels combined their ideas together, and differentiated their ideas from socialism and Utopianism. Marx also used the ideals from Hegel. To bring his ideals to paper, Marx and Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto. 

Believers of conservatism believed in the ideals of old ways, including the church, monarchy and aristocracy, and opposed a constitutional governement. Conservatives, like Edmund Burke believed in gradual change, not radical, and where institutions would gradually adapt. 

Feminists believed in equal rights for women, and their focus was to gain equal rights for them. Mary Wollstonecraft, and John Stuart Mill were advocates of women's rights, Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Women gained rights more so in England and America than in the whole of Europe. 

John Stuart Mill

Radicalism and Republicanism:
Both of these "isms" were represented by the lower middle class who were not represented, and they wanted reforms. They wanted to reform the prisons, peerages, poverty and etc.

Romantics believed in "going back," they focused on human thoughts and emotions. Within in the romantic movement they had a Neo-Gothic movement, which reenforced the ideals of the Medieval times. 

Brighton Beach, England

Socialists believed that the economic systems were chaotic and unjust. They thought everything had to be organized, coordinated and harmonized. They strongly opposed laissez-faire economics. This "ism" was made up of the lower middle class, who were not represented, as were the radicals and republicans.  

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